Dear Martin

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Issue of racism comes to life after this book; Nic Stone surely has selected a very bold topic to write on. In America not many people talk about racism because they think that it is not there anymore but it exists in the minds and attitude of the people. Nic talks about such an incident in detail that changed the life of a boy forever. Justyce McAllister was among the decent boys of the school and whenever someone needed help he was there for him.

Only error in his personality was his black color but he thought that it did not matter anymore in the new world in which he lives in. Then came the scary day in his life when he was handcuffed, that changed his approach towards life for the days to come.

He was arrested during the incident just because of his color and nothing else. After that he started facing bullies in the institute and the teachers also became rude to him. He tried to find an escape by reading the things taught by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. but it was of no avail. He himself started writing things and questioned many things that Martin Luther told.

Dear Martin

Dion Graham’s voice ends the final scenes very beautifully where Justyce is caught along with his friend Manny and he thinks that now the white people are attacking him.   Clean Getaway and Dear Justyce are for further study of the concept; the concept is not for the kids to understand so only adults can understand what is there in the book. This book should be listened without any grudge or hatred in the mind about different racial issues only then one can understand the author completely.


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Orion Lost

Driven-Driven Series, Book 1


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Dear Martin - 01
  • 03. Dear Martin - 02
  • 04. Dear Martin - 03
  • 05. Dear Martin - 04
  • 06. Dear Martin - 05
  • 07. Dear Martin - 06
  • 08. Dear Martin - 07
  • 09. Dear Martin - 08
  • 10. Dear Martin - 09
  • 11. Dear Martin - 10
  • 12. Dear Martin - 11
  • 13. Dear Martin - 12
  • 14. Dear Martin - 13
  • 15. Dear Martin - 14
  • 16. Dear Martin - 15
  • 17. Dear Martin - 16
  • 18. Dear Martin - 17
  • 19. Dear Martin - 18
  • 20. Dear Martin - 19
  • 21. Dear Martin - 20
  • 22. Dear Martin - 21
  • 23. Dear Martin - 22
  • 24. Dear Martin - 23
  • 25. Dear Martin - 24

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