God of Vengeance

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A must have item for sure because you are going to experience one of the finest ever created by Giles Kristian. Norway is described by the author almost at the beginning of time so there is nothing which we can compare with the present era. As a routine, a person should not try to find real life figures in fiction because this research usually damages the flow and destroys the taste of a wonderful story.

Philip Stevens has provided a voice to this wonderful story of revenge in which a young lad is going to beat down a king from his throne. For Sigurd, this is all personal and he is not going to rest until the king is destroyed and his loyal men are slaughtered. Harald’s family was living a peaceful life when all of a sudden King Gorm decided to get rid of the lord and his people.

God of Vengeance

The king destroyed the entire village and also slaughtered the family of the lord but Sigurd managed to escape and being the youngest in the family no one noticed his absence initially. Then the king sent his men after Sigurd but he managed to escape with the help of some trustworthy friends.

The boy managed to find strong allies and he gears up to make the king pay for his deeds. Winter’s Fire is the next part of the series and from that series, we finally get the hint that whether the gods are on Sigurd’s side or not. One thing is for sure i.e Sigurd is not going to stop even if he knows that Odin is not ready to help him.


Blood Eye

Winter’s Fire


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