Season of the Dragonflies

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An ancient heritage is joined with the modern world by Sarah Creech as she takes us from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the streets of New York and then once again takes us back to the place from where the story started. Novel opening is superb as the writer tells us about a strange land where the Lenore women create special kind of perfumes. These perfumes are created on the Blue Ridge Mountains where no common man can go. The Lenore family keeps the ingredient a secret because the fragrance of the perfume has magical effects and impact on humans.

These fragrances can give you things like fame within no time. That why these perfumes are used by the CEOs of the companies, rich actors and other important people of the state. Willow is the currently reigning woman of the family and second on the list is her daughter Mya. The lady has another daughter as well named Lucia who has now powers that they can use. Thus she gets nothing from the family secrets and leaves the Blue Ridge in order to settle in New York.

Season of the Dragonflies

There too she gets divorced and on her return to her homeland confronts a disaster, her sister was mentally ill, her mother interested in another man and the business and the special plant dying quickly. Thus it is up to Lucia to protect the family secrets and business from falling but first she had to protect the family.

The Whole Way Home can be read along with this book if someone wants to know about writer’s work in detail. Kate Turnbull’s narration is also soothing to listen to but the voice harps on the same pattern that makes it difficult to differentiate between the feelings of the characters.



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