Stark’s Crusade

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We thought that the war ended in the second chapter of the series but the end of one war leads Stark and his men into another one. Stark was selected for a war against those conspiring against the world’s super power but when he reached in outer space he came to know about the truth about the war.

Also he made calculations of his own according to which he and his team had no survival chances if they obey the orders given to them. Thus he preferred the life of his men over the order that were given to him and that of course makes him one of the bitter enemies if his own state. Stark never had his own agenda against the government but when he faces an attack from his own government he finally thinks that the time has come take serious steps against all odds.

Stark's Crusade

Jack Campbell has added politics in this military fiction as well and it is the politicians in this book who are toying with the lives of the soldiers but Stark is not ready to allow all of this. We observed Stark’s nature quite closely in Stark’s War and Stark’s Command, he is the man who never backs down from a challenge. This time that challenge is his own government trying to eradicate him and the people who have aided him so war. Once again this part of the novel is narrated in a combo by Eric Michael Summerer and Jack Campbell himself in a really interesting manner.

The two have really formed an exceptional pair together in the narration of this series.


Stark’s Command

Battle Station: Star Force, Book 5


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