The Forever War

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Still considered as a masterpiece in so many ways the book is worth to listen no matter how many times you have listened to it before. When Joe Haldeman wrote this science fiction such things were not that much common, fiction was in fashion though but no one ever thought about taking fiction to the next level such as a war among other galaxies. Then there are discussions about different weapons and science tech that gets into the hands of a human who merges himself with other races for the sake of his mission.

The Forever War

William Mandella joined the army on Earth as a simple soldier and all he wanted was to serve his homeland. Later in his career the job became big and he joined the forces that were prepared to fight the Forever War. During this war he starts his voyage that takes him on a tour of different galaxies. He not only trains himself in the use of different super powered weapons but also mixes with the other races that he finds in different galaxies. But all this time he has one positive hope i.e to return to his homeland and start a normal life altogether if he survives out of all this.

George Wilson had an uneasy mission at hands in narrating this old piece of literature but the narrator has made the book settled to the modern standards. Forever Free and Forever Peace will come in handy for a better understanding of hero’s fate at the end of the war. Not very long book but appealing in so many ways that it cannot be told in words.



The Road


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