The Icebound Land

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As anticipated, John Flanagan’s new hero fell a little short of perfection and he got arrested by the enemy along with Evanlyn. Now Will’s fate is grim because the king also is not in favor of sending any men to rescue him and his friend. Wolfship a terrible ride to be on, if you are a new Ranger and that is not all what Will faces as a consequence of his failure in the mission. Among the rangers there is one named Halt for whom Will’s safety and freedom is more precious than King’s orders.

Because of the disobedience the king terminates Halt from the services and he joins Horace in his mission to save Will. Both start a joint venture towards Skandia where the enemy is in more power than the Rangers. Not only the enemy, the place known as Skandia seems to be full of freelance knights who like to display their talent in a duel. Horace luckily is a good fighter and he has shown his skills in the past in The Ruins of Gorlan and The Burning Bridge.

The Icebound Land

In this new land Horace fights in order to reach to Will in time so that he can save him from the upcoming slavery. As compared to the previous two parts this book has less of Will as compared to Horace and John Keating’s narration also remains focused on Horace, the show stealer this time. Along with fight the third part also enters the dimension of thrill; John Flanagan of course is experimenting with the material to keep the series spicy for the audience especially the children that are the main focus.


The Burning Bridge

The Battle for Skandia


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