The Slippery Slope

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The narrator of the story has been repeating the same thing again and again that we should not listen to the story if we want some fun. This statement of the narrator makes us more curious about the story every time because we want to know what is inside the story if it is not fun. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny have come quite far in their adventures and there have been a lot of breathtaking events in their life. On many occasions, they were amazed at their luck because they consider themselves unlucky children from the first part.

This is true to a large extent, luck has not been in the favor of these orphans right from the moment they left home. They have been treated badly by the people whom they tried to trust and they have been robbed of their belongings many times. Those friends whom they provided full support didn’t help them in their time of need.

The Slippery Slope

The good thing is the bond between the three which has not been weakened with the passage of time. They are not heartbroken because of the circumstances and this positivity is the key to their success. Going through the distressing mountains is not an easy course but there is no way back also backward in most cases actually means downwards.

Lemony Snicket will keep you busy with the details of snow gnats and Tim Curry’s pleasant voice will keep you alert. Like The Vile Village and ‘Who Could That Be at This Hour?’ the story comes with full force and it does not slow down at any place.


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