WWW: Wake

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At last a trilogy, before this the author has written one or two loose end stories and though there was potential for further parts in them but Robert J. Sawyer never bothered. After Humans and Hybrids this book is also a start of a strong series. Caitlin Decter the young mathematician lacks one basic gift i.e the gift of sight. She is blind but her abilities to calculate and estimate help her to navigate in the world without any crutches. Her mind works like a machine and calculates about different probabilities in seconds.

Because of her mental capability she attached her mind with the computer world long ago. Now her mind works on the patter of the World Wide Web and it helps her to explore different unique things of the modern world. Being blind for so long she never thought that one day she would be able to see but then the moment comes in her life when she is blessed with sight. Instead of seeing the world around her after getting the power to see she starts seeing the computer world more deeply.

WWW: Wake

The deeper she penetrates the more scared she becomes because with her eyes now she is able to see the darkness that is waiting for the human world. Evil has always been there in the world of computers and it was just waiting for the right time to pounce on everything. It has gained the needed power this time and has decided to rise finally. Jessica Almasy, Marc Vietor, Robert J. Sawyer and Jennifer Van Dyck have narrated well together. Not everyone got the same opportunity in narration but this is what happens when there is a longish list of narrators.



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