Lean Mean Thirteen

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A small-town girl takes on the big devils of the city and is surviving which is a bright sign for her fans. This is the thirteenth episode of the series which means it is the thirteenth case to which the girl is assigned. Having problems with her boyfriend has led her to this trip with her parents.

A time with your family is never a bad idea because you feel relax in their company. Janet Evanovich tries to strengthen the bond of Stephanie with her family. They are not in their hometown as they planned to go out for fun but then the duty called and the trip changed into a mission. The author creates a sensation in the scenes which looked quite ordinary at the start of the novel in the first chapter. Development of the story can be considered the same as Four to Score and Seven Up.  Janet had an extra ingredient hidden especially for this book which the author uses in the later stages of the story.

Lean Mean Thirteen

It looks like Lorelei King prepared for the narration of this book for a long time because previously there were complaints that proper strength is not shown in the narration. All complaints have surely been eradicated by King in this thirteenth part. If compared with other parts, this book had more dialogues in it which provided the narrator a good opportunity to prove himself. Along with action, Stephanie had to take care of her family too till the last scene and situation of the story. The book was not only compact and strongly written but it had the much-awaited fun in it as well.


Twelve Sharp

Fearless Fourteen


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. 13 Lean Mean Thirteen 2007 001-End-01
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