The Opposite of Me

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Whenever we are in distress we go to our relatives especially brothers and sisters and if they are not available then we feel isolated and stranded in the world. Sarah Pekkanen presents such kind of a story where the two sisters are in a situation from which they find no way out.

Lindsey Rose has always been under the charm of her twin sister and though she tries but still her sister is always ahead of her in all the situations of life. Finally she is in a hope of getting something that her sister never had i.e a good position in the society. She has been working hard in an advertising agency for years now and now she has a chance to emerge as the director of the company.

Again however her bad fortune strikes as she loses everything in a small interval of time. Having nothing to do further in her life Lindsey returns to her homeland and finds her sister marrying the man of her dreams.

The Opposite of Me

Alex was still ahead of her as she was happy and contended with her life; Lindsay too tries to adjust in the happiness of her sister.

Tragedy once again strike and this time in engulfs both of them and they find something that has been hidden from them for a long time. It is a secret that creates an objection on their sisterhood as well and they lose the only trust worthy relation they had.

Madeleine Maby narrates brilliantly and it is the quality of the narration that makes different from The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl. It not only lays stress on sisterhood but also reveals secrets that are usually left buried by families because their revelation can cause havoc in the whole relationship.


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